Killua Geburtstagstorte

Buca di Beppo Geburtstagstortenrezept

Buca di Beppo Geburtstagstortenrezept - IMG 0299

Buca di Beppo Geburtstagstortenrezept

Buca di Beppo ist ein beliebtes italienisches Restaurant, das bekannt ist für seine köstlichen Gerichte und Desserts. Eine der bekanntesten Nachspeisen von Buca di Beppo ist ihre Geburtstagstorte. Wenn du schon immer wissen wolltest, wie du dieses leckere Dessert zu Hause nachmachen kannst, dann bist du hier genau richtig! In diesem Artikel werde ich dir das Rezept für die Buca di Beppo Geburtstagstorte detailliert erklären.


Für den Kuchen benötigst du folgende Zutaten: - 250 g Butter - 300 g Zucker - 4 Eier - 1 Teelöffel Vanilleextrakt - 250 g Mehl - 1 Teelöffel Backpulver - 250 ml Milch

Für die Creme benötigst du folgende Zutaten: - 500 g Mascarpone - 200 g Puderzucker - 250 ml Sahne - 1 Teelöffel Vanilleextrakt

Für die Verzierung benötigst du: - Bunte Streusel - Schokoladendekor

Buca di Beppo Geburtstagstortenrezept - Brownie SunDae At Buca Di Beppo


1. Heize deinen Ofen auf 180 Grad Celsius vor und bereite eine Backform vor, indem du sie einfettest und mit Mehl bestäubst.

2. In einer großen Schüssel mixe die Butter und den Zucker zusammen, bis sie cremig sind. Füge dann nach und nach die Eier hinzu und rühre gut um. Gib den Vanilleextrakt hinzu und mixe weiter.

3. Mische in einer separaten Schüssel das Mehl und das Backpulver. Füge diese Mischung langsam zu der Eiermischung hinzu und mixe gut um. Gieße nach und nach die Milch ein und rühre weiter, bis ein gleichmäßiger Teig entsteht.

4. Gieße den Teig in die vorbereitete Backform und backe ihn für ca. 30-35 Minuten oder bis er golden und fest ist. Lasse den Kuchen anschließend vollständig abkühlen.

5. Während der Kuchen abkühlt, bereite die Creme vor. In einer Schüssel mixe die Mascarpone und den Puderzucker zusammen, bis sie glatt und cremig sind. Füge dann den Vanilleextrakt hinzu und mixe weiter. In einer separaten Schüssel schlage die Sahne steif und hebe sie vorsichtig unter die Mascarpone-Mischung.

6. Schneide den abgekühlten Kuchen horizontal in zwei Hälften. Verteile eine großzügige Menge der Creme auf der unteren Hälfte und lege die obere Hälfte wieder darauf. Bestreiche den gesamten Kuchen mit der restlichen Creme.

7. Dekoriere die Torte mit bunten Streuseln und Schokoladendekor nach Belieben. Du kannst auch eine Schicht Schokoladenglasur über die Torte gießen, um sie noch köstlicher zu machen.

8. Lasse die Torte im Kühlschrank für mindestens 4 Stunden oder über Nacht fest werden, bevor du sie servierst.


Mit diesem Rezept kannst du die köstliche Buca di Beppo Geburtstagstorte zu Hause nachmachen und deine Gäste beeindrucken. Die Kombination aus luftigem Kuchen, cremiger Mascarpone-Creme und bunter Dekoration macht diese Torte zu einem absoluten Genuss. Probiere es aus und genieße diese leckere Nachspeise!

Buca Di Beppo Italian Creme Cake - 85f51aef1f3D48cc05b40D663787ba36
Buca Di Beppo Italian Creme Cake

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Buca Di Beppo

Complimentary Birthday Cake - Complimentary BirthDay
Complimentary Birthday Cake

Buca di Beppo Chocolate Cake - 5778134545 6eaa7D400e B
Buca di Beppo Chocolate Cake

YUM! FREE Cake for Your Birthday @ Buca Di Beppo! - FreebDaycakeatbuca 1200x630
YUM! FREE Cake for Your Birthday @ Buca Di Beppo!

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birthday cake from Buca Di Beppo

The celebration cake was really good. - O
The celebration cake was really good.

Seattle Buca Di Beppo Birthday Cake And Ice Cream - Seattle Buca Di Beppo BirthDay Cake Ice Cream 600x450
Seattle Buca Di Beppo Birthday Cake And Ice Cream

YUM! FREE Cake for Your Birthday @ Buca Di Beppo! - FreecakeatbucaforsummerbDays
YUM! FREE Cake for Your Birthday @ Buca Di Beppo!

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Buca di Beppo: Chocolate Cake

Buca di Beppo - BirthDay Cake
Buca di Beppo

Chocolate cake and tiramisu at Buca Di Beppo Celebration - 0745cf1910823680a9932c2ab05891fb
Chocolate cake and tiramisu at Buca Di Beppo Celebration

Buca's Celebration Cake! - Buca Di Beppo
Buca's Celebration Cake!

Buca di beppo italian cream . - Italian+cream+cake+026
Buca di beppo italian cream .

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Two Frys: Buca di Beppo

Buca De Beppo's Italian party cake! Insanely huge and delicious! 29th ... - 021eb5b119D610b58119b4276931e281
Buca De Beppo's Italian party cake! Insanely huge and delicious! 29th ...

Italian Creme Cake - Buca Di Beppo
Italian Creme Cake

The awesome Buca Di Beppo Birthday Freebie is now a massive free ... - B4720906ebD39e6709f96ab61cb3b876
The awesome Buca Di Beppo Birthday Freebie is now a massive free ...

#BucadiBeppo #Italian Creme #Cake #food #dessert. Next time I go I have ... - 2778ee03D653e9885fa87e3f052b5c22
#BucadiBeppo #Italian Creme #Cake #food #dessert. Next time I go I have ...

FREE Colossal Brownie Sundae Or Double Dark Chocolate Cake @ Buca di ... - FreecolosalbrowniesunDaeatbucaforbDay
FREE Colossal Brownie Sundae Or Double Dark Chocolate Cake @ Buca di ...

Free Cake* for Summer Birthdays! *Online reservation of 4 or more ... - 0D32D649f02c3fce119cf42Dfea5069a
Free Cake* for Summer Birthdays! *Online reservation of 4 or more ...

Dessert at Buca Di Beppo's - 238974991 Fb7bb1acb5 B
Dessert at Buca Di Beppo's

Buca di Beppo: Chocolate Cake - 5333461661 D16e6b475a
Buca di Beppo: Chocolate Cake

12 Dessert - 12 Dessert Buca Di Beppo
12 Dessert

Buca di Beppo - 348s
Buca di Beppo

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Buca di Beppo Italian Restaurant

Buca di Beppo Italian Restaurant - 348s
Buca di Beppo Italian Restaurant

Birthday at Buca di Beppo - NHLs Buca Di Beppo Dinner
Birthday at Buca di Beppo

Birthday Time? FREE Colossal Brownie Sundae at Buca di Beppo (Serves 3 ... - Buca Di Beppo SunDae
Birthday Time? FREE Colossal Brownie Sundae at Buca di Beppo (Serves 3 ...

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Cheesecake topped with Raspberry sauce

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Buca di Beppo Italian Restaurant

Italian Restaurant, Catering - 600x300
Italian Restaurant, Catering


Birthdays Venue - BirthDay Party 1024x1024
Birthdays Venue

Buca di Beppo Italian Restaurant - 348s
Buca di Beppo Italian Restaurant

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Birthday Free Food at Buca di Beppo Las Vegas

Capital Cooking with Lauren DeSantis: Lobster, Lemon Basil Vojito and ... - Italian+cream+cake
Capital Cooking with Lauren DeSantis: Lobster, Lemon Basil Vojito and ...

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Buca Di Beppo Baked Ziti Recipe

Tiramisu from BUCA di BEPPO Recipe - 2c2D7c397ec25ee422D1 300
Tiramisu from BUCA di BEPPO Recipe

Cake Boss Holiday Cake at Buca di Beppo. (Buca di Beppo) - 14563816 Web1 CAKE BOSS
Cake Boss Holiday Cake at Buca di Beppo. (Buca di Beppo)

Italian cream cake with raspberry sauce on the side - O
Italian cream cake with raspberry sauce on the side

A New Buca Di Beppo Is Now Open Near Walt Disney World In Celebration ... - Buca10
A New Buca Di Beppo Is Now Open Near Walt Disney World In Celebration ...

Buca Di Beppo: Celebrate an Upcoming Birthday with our NEW Buca ... - DSxWLiLiSw6U
Buca Di Beppo: Celebrate an Upcoming Birthday with our NEW Buca ...

Celebrate Your Birthday at Buca di Beppo! - MaxresDefault
Celebrate Your Birthday at Buca di Beppo!

Delicious cheesecake - Buca Di Beppo
Delicious cheesecake

Giant slice of chocolate cake (enough for at least 3 people!) - Giant Slice Of Chocolate
Giant slice of chocolate cake (enough for at least 3 people!)

Two Frys: Buca di Beppo - Acjuly2019 47%2Bcopy
Two Frys: Buca di Beppo

Spicy Chicken Rigatoni - 1456247960381
Spicy Chicken Rigatoni

Copycat Buca Di Beppo Bruschetta Recipe - 68808 5601 Mx
Copycat Buca Di Beppo Bruschetta Recipe

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Two Frys: Buca di Beppo

Birthday Time? FREE Colossal Brownie Sundae at Buca di Beppo (Serves 3 ... - Buca Di Beppo S Brownie SunDae
Birthday Time? FREE Colossal Brownie Sundae at Buca di Beppo (Serves 3 ...

| Buca di Beppo - BuDDy V Cake Boss Photo 1
| Buca di Beppo

$10 Off Buca Di Beppo Coupon + FREE Party Cake - Buca Di Beppo 1
$10 Off Buca Di Beppo Coupon + FREE Party Cake

Leaplings! Here are two places [UPDATE: Three!] you can eat free on ... - Screen Shot 2016 02 22 At 12.51.30 Pm
Leaplings! Here are two places [UPDATE: Three!] you can eat free on ...

Buca di Beppo Italian Restaurant - 348s
Buca di Beppo Italian Restaurant

italian creme cake from bucca di beppo. almond lemon cake layered with ... - 5c1c3D59b7ce988a2D6f960c463654bD
italian creme cake from bucca di beppo. almond lemon cake layered with ...

*Expired* Buca di Beppo Coupon ~ Feed Four for $40 - 7 Dessert 630x630
*Expired* Buca di Beppo Coupon ~ Feed Four for $40

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Buca di Beppo Italian Restaurant

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Pin on Food & Drink

DC Outlook: Buca di Beppo Food Review II - IMG 6997
DC Outlook: Buca di Beppo Food Review II

75 Free Birthday Meals - 010918 Free BirthDay FooD SliDe 21 Fs.max 784x410
75 Free Birthday Meals

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BLS Buca di Beppo Party 2014

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Buca di Beppo Restaurant review

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baked ziti buca di beppo

simply inter nos: EAT - IMG 3041
simply inter nos: EAT

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buca di beppo

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Food Tasting at Buca di Beppo

Buca di Beppo Seattle Party Location, Birthday Party, Banquet Room - 4098 3
Buca di Beppo Seattle Party Location, Birthday Party, Banquet Room

Buca Di Beppo: Today Only: $5 Off Our NEW Cake Boss Package! - C@2x
Buca Di Beppo: Today Only: $5 Off Our NEW Cake Boss Package!

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Buca di Beppo catering for your parties

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Birthday Special

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Buca Di Beppo

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Buca di Beppo to celebrate the holidays

The Passionate Foodie: Buca di Beppo: Bring a Hearty Appetite - 114
The Passionate Foodie: Buca di Beppo: Bring a Hearty Appetite

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Buca di Beppo Penne San Remo Recipe

Best Birthday Dinner EVER at Buca Di Beppo! - Fpn IMG 2320
Best Birthday Dinner EVER at Buca Di Beppo!

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Buca di Beppo Copycat Recipes: Sweet Layered Dessert

Buca Di Beppo - Buca Di Beppo 19
Buca Di Beppo

Buca Di Beppo: Give them the gift they really want - C@2x
Buca Di Beppo: Give them the gift they really want

Gratitude Gourmet Blog - 2985097 Orig
Gratitude Gourmet Blog

Buca Di Beppo: Celebrate an Upcoming Birthday with our NEW Buca ... - Ox0vh0rReMgw
Buca Di Beppo: Celebrate an Upcoming Birthday with our NEW Buca ...

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Pin on Sinful Desserts

Buca di Beppo Celebrates 30 Years of Service - BucaDibeppo30thanniversarycake
Buca di Beppo Celebrates 30 Years of Service

Buca di Beppo Italian Restaurant - 348s
Buca di Beppo Italian Restaurant

Birthday Time? FREE Colossal Brownie Sundae at Buca di Beppo (Serves 3 ... - Hip2save BirthDay1
Birthday Time? FREE Colossal Brownie Sundae at Buca di Beppo (Serves 3 ...

Ross Lynch: Early Birthday Dinner at Buca di Beppo - Ross Lynch BDay Buca Pics 03
Ross Lynch: Early Birthday Dinner at Buca di Beppo

Buca Di Beppo - Italian Creme Cake
Buca Di Beppo

Food Tasting at Buca di Beppo - 45397F69 47E1 499C 8474 E0FC9F57238C
Food Tasting at Buca di Beppo

Buca Di Beppo Marinara Sauce Recipe - GnaF9iifSnKhVreVLeh8 OMG Was That GooD So Perfect For A ColD Ohio Night
Buca Di Beppo Marinara Sauce Recipe

Las Vegas Dining: Buca di Beppo at the Excalibur - CelebrationCake Slice 298x196
Las Vegas Dining: Buca di Beppo at the Excalibur

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Pin on Favorite Restaurants

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Buca di Beppo

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The Untold Truth Of Buca Di Beppo

Buca for Birthday - IMG 2018
Buca for Birthday

Birthdays Venue - We Make BirthDays Bigger
Birthdays Venue

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Buca Di Beppo's Healthy Pasta Recipes (Access Hollywood Live)

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Buca di Beppo Restaurant review

Free Buca Di Beppo Colossal Brownie Sundae For Your Birthday - 941389
Free Buca Di Beppo Colossal Brownie Sundae For Your Birthday
